Home » Why Choose Course3D? A Deep Dive into Reallusion’s Content Usage Policies

Why Choose Course3D? A Deep Dive into Reallusion’s Content Usage Policies

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Introduction to Course3D

Course3D is a haven for 3D animation creators, offering high-quality assets at reasonable prices. What sets us apart? Well, most of our content is freely accessible to everyone! But that’s not all. Our dedicated Course3D team has painstakingly removed the Digital Rights Management (DRM) shackles that Reallusion previously imposed on its content.

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Unveiling DRM: What Is It?

Before we delve into the specifics, let’s understand what DRM entails. It stands for Digital Rights Management, a set of technologies and practices aimed at controlling access to digital content. Reallusion, like many other companies, employed DRM mechanisms to safeguard their intellectual property. However, this had unintended consequences.

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The FBXkey Conundrum

When using Reallusion’s IC (iClone) and CC (Character Creator) software, you might have noticed an inconspicuous companion accompanying your FBX exports: the fbxkey file. This seemingly innocuous file is where Reallusion’s cunning comes into play.

The Impact of DRM

DRM, unfortunately, hinders collaborative efforts and stifles individual creativity. It restricts the seamless exchange of content among creators. But let’s dive deeper into Reallusion’s End User License Agreement (EULA) to understand the implications.

  1. Competition Restrictions:
    • You cannot use Reallusion’s content in a way that competes with the company. This includes distribution through image libraries, stock video platforms, 3D model markets, or similar services.
  2. Redistribution Limits:
    • Importing, uploading, reproducing, making content available, publishing, transmitting, distributing, or sublicensing Reallusion’s content to third parties is strictly prohibited.
  3. Specific Usage Restrictions:
    • You cannot use the content for in-app purchases, character generation within apps, character generation APIs, embedding content in applications or online services, AI training, deep learning, or 3D printing for sale or mass redistribution.
    • The CC Component content requires an Extended License for use in games, applications, or AR/VR projects beyond Imagery Use.

The Illusion of Ownership

Here’s the kicker: When you shell out significant money, you’re essentially purchasing the right to use Reallusion’s content within your IC and CC software. But true ownership? Not quite. Reallusion retains control, and your access hinges on their terms.

Course3D: The Smart Choice

Now, let’s talk about Course3D. We believe in sharing resources with the world. Our mission? Empowering creators to collaborate, animate, and inspire. And guess what? We’re philanthropic too! If you hail from an economically challenged country, verify your citizenship, and Course3D gladly offers substantial discounts or even freebies.


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In summary, Course3D isn’t just about assets; it’s about fostering a global community of creators. So, why settle for less? Choose Course3D—the smart, cost-effective alternative to Reallusion’s restrictive policies.

Remember, our brand thrives on objectivity, friendliness, and goodwill. Let’s create together! 🌟

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